Wednesday 21 May 2014

An annoying boss, a bikini, and a fake illness

An annoying boss, a bikini, and a fake illness.

Once when I was doing some work my annoying boss came into my cubicle and fired me for no specific reason at all. For the rest of that month I was feeling so bad but then I decided to get off my lazy bum and go for a swim. 

When I get there I see something floating in the pool with no owner, so I go and check it out. It is a pink bikini. I then get the cleaners to go and pick it up and chuck it into the lost property. 

Nek minnit he comes out of the mens changing rooms with that pink bikini on his big fat chubby body. It is so disgusting I decide to make up a fake illness to get out of swimming with this guy but its too late, He has already pulled me into the pool with him on top of me.
“HELP ME IM DROWNING!!!!!!!” I shout but no one hears me.
So I try to swim up and I only just make it before I really do drown.

He pulls me down again underneath him, i am the current world record holder for holding my breath for the longest time (in my mind) but he sits on me and drowns me.That is the story of how I died.

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